Friday, June 29, 2012
Saved by a Wayback Machine
Really, in light of the seemingly horrendous financial crisis that we’ve experienced globally, dragging into the trillions of dollars in losses, bank and auto industry bankruptcies, 4 billion just doesn’t seem like a big deal. Maybe numbers don’t have the same effect on me anymore. I’m a financial frog now and for sure, I’m cooked. I’ve had nothing but numbers, scales and graphs flying at me for months, how could I care anymore?
Of course, I understand, Gretchen Peters, author of Seeds of Terror, stated the 4 Billion was the total made “for Afghanistan”, but as the heroin travels beyond the borders into Pakistan and on, the value of it increases.
This has got to be a must read and I hope she has figures from quality sources. I’ve been saying for years now, that the Patriot Act’s Bank Secrecy Act was designed specifically to halt the funding of terrorist activities, so I don’t understand why she is saying “they are not doing anything on the trafficking side”? Time Magazine reported on the poppy fields/drug trade in Afghanistan a year or so ago. Today, N. Korea has discovered 20 illegal accounts. It is interesting, however, that this 528 million going out of Afghanistan is nearly the same amount being laundered through the N. Korean banks. Hmmm…
I think the financial crisis is due to the fact that The Bank Secrecy Act is actually working and illegal funding is being curtailed or therefore, rerouted, at our own expense I’m afraid. This talk of the devaluing dollar makes me understand that without the drug money using our currency, the dollar may become devalued, but rather, I want to argue that it should be seen as cleansed, workable without the drugs, blood and guns attached to it’s profits, the world is still trying to decide all that. It’s certainly difficult to come to terms with a devalued currency at the onset, but when you realize with all the military spending we do, there is already a substantial amount of blood staining our money, and weapons programs that our money pays for, so it will never be completely clean on it’s own, unless.. Suddenly currency describes the character of a country. Does bolstering your business with drug money make you a bad person? In general, yes, but…(there is always a but…) overevaluating yourself based on injustices could turn sour at the moment it touches your lips.
In 2007, UNODC valued Helmand’s total poppy output at $528 million.
That just doesn’t seem like a large sum to me, specifically if your compare it to the cost put forth to enact an eradication force. How much does that cost? And the UN considers Helmand a wealthy place with many wealthy farmers. I wonder if there are 5 or more millionaires in Virginia or New Hampshire. There might be, but that’s not the point, they are not growing hemp to purchase war supplies to terrorize their own people and instigate deadly warfare with U.S. contractors. Which I don’t find surprising at all, that USAID is there and other aid programs are furnished to the Afghan people to dissuade them away from drug trafficking, and that just one of these USAID programs costing 18 million was shut down when aid workers were killed. I wonder what the total program’s cost were annually? It’s like we are all pouring money down the drain.
I can’t wait to read this book, Gretchen’s guts really excite me. It could be incredibly dangerous to be around her. I got turned on and Jon speaks my mind, most all the time, but here, I really wish I could have been him for a day. This is definitely one of my favorites of his shows.
June 4, 2009 – 8:56 pm
So, you want to be a frog?
Has your frog reached it’s boiling point yet?
Is it frog yet?
My comments are too long to post on Youtube.
Okay, Jac. I didn’t get to see the show, only saw a few clips and listened to the author on The Daily Show, and they’re not just talking about global warming. Global Warming is a key phrase like, “toxic assets” and “terrorism”, that labels a particular event for a mass of people. It’s good that you’ve started thinking of this in a more personal way because it will get personal before too long. Think about it this way, it’s not just the emissions that are suggested problematic for the earth’s atmosphere, another thing to consider is the depleted forests and poisoned waters, contaminated lands and GMO crop infestation. Over population is something we all did because we normally do not see things globally. However, the resources we bet on to continue growth are now becoming scarce. Now think about the oil pockets inside the earth that are left and try to imagine how much is left to sustain us all. It simply will not last for too much longer and that’s when you and everyone around you will have to figure out what else you can do to eat, travel and survive.
Think about this as well…What if the regions in which oil is a commodity, like the Middle East and South America were to realize that they wanted to keep their resources for themselves, for their own countries stability and not sell it to foreign markets. Now that seems unlikely, because without the monetary exchange, they still would have great difficulty surviving, you would think. The U.S. and Europe prompted growth and set up infrastructures in all regions in the world and sent these countries the bill to pay us back. Do you think they should pay us back for an infrastructure that is about to become obsolete? I think these are all interesting questions.
Now ask yourself why a national television broadcaster would produce an apocalyptic special that you and millions would definitely watch and be fascinated by? Have you answered the question yet? Advertising Jac. What was it they were trying to sell you during the show? That’s probably more important to note than some of the show’s terrifying scenarios, yet as an average young man living in America, you probably never thought twice about the way sensationalism can spark a reaction out of you, did you? Why is the world talking about using less gas and electricity and saving our pennies and recycling our trash? Who feels the pain from that? Answer this question and get a prize. Now do you see how all of this plays out politically?
And yet here’s another angle. Let’s say that we drain the earth of all it’s life’s blood. Maybe the earth needs that internal mass of goo to protect itself from the sun’s heat. Much like we need our blood on the inside of our bodies to live, not the outside. I think that might have a greater effect on the earth’s atmosphere than the freakin carbon emissions. So, at the conclusion, the idea is to get you to start thinking about how you are going to live without oil. That might actually be harder to do than you think. I’ve watched others videos and all everyone talks about is recycling and recycling. Ha! Are you talking about recycling aluminum cans and plastic? Wow! Big friggin contribution. Maybe start thinking they may not be able to make the plastic and cans and deliver it to your local store. Forget about the freakin store, how about that? OMG, how will live if you cannot shop? Don’t worry, there will always be something to buy, the question is, will you have the money to buy it? You may have to reign in your skills for the challenges of the future. For instance how will you find a job in a defunct country like America, whose technology milestones are Microsoft, GE and the military, unlike China where their private ventures have forged incredible feats of advancement in the last decade alone while you were relaxing in front of your tv? What? You didn’t complete your doctorate or get your engineering degree? You were planning on climbing the Applebee’s corporate ladder? Oh well. Don’t worry again there, someone else has already taken care of that for you, Google. The minds of the future and the hands that utilize their studies will be those who survive or are at least able to buy there survival. The under educated, non planners with no true common sense about them will literally watch TV until the signal goes out and then they die in their own hovel of stupidity because they actually thought someone else was coming to save them. The metaphor about the boiling of the frog is quite ironic since the thing that maybe desensitizing you is the television which brought you the show in the first place.
Suggested Reading for Jac:
Emergency by Neil Strauss
The Multicultural Planet by Ervin Laszlo
CIA World Factbook
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, angry, new technologies, people, philosophy, quality of life, riots | Tagged Earth 2100, end of civilization, global warming, Jacob, NBC, youtube | Comments (0)
Did want to mention Dr. Garry Mendez Jr. PHD. and Tamara Perkins regarding their film now in the works covering the realities of incarceration in the State of California, called “The Trust”.
You need to watch this! You don’t have to, but you should and certainly don’t take my advise I’m the problem, remember. And, now I’m FAT!
9 Billion in California State is not being spent on rehabilitating criminals.
Especially repeat offenders, it would seem that’s exactly the way they want it. The State governments are running another kind of revolving door system that keeps things the way
they are. We all know it and we all just let it be, cause I don’t know why, cause The Beatles
told us to? Come on. Because we have all been told to sit down and shut up and don’t take matters into your own hands, let the justice system do it, let the justice system do their job. But the justice system doesn’t do anything but serve itself, because we don’t talk to the justice system, we don’t want to have anything to do with the justice system, do we? They are NUTS! But get this, we pay for the justice system to tell us we’re crazy.
Now that’s crazy.
How to Fall from Capitalism
November 1, 2009 – 12:46 pm
Many Americans seem somewhat lost these days with 115 banks dissolved across the country since January 2009, unemployment reaching into two digit numbers now and more news of corrupt governments and trading swindlers keeps them in suspense. Or maybe that’s just me. Anyway if your shopping around for a new philosophy on life, take a look at these three that I’ve selected. Talk about take back, why stop at America, let’s take back the world.
COP15, UNFCCC, The Copenhagen Treaty, break the monopoly up on infrastructure contracts, enter a new age of environmental protections and build respect among nations worldwide. Check out the CDM’s DNA’s.
The Zeitgeist Movement, Zeitgeist the Movie, (will be partly aired at a screening at COP15, very exciting) abandon the monetary system and worldwide slavery and contribute to a free society in a Utopian, robotic yet sane, future using clean, sustainable and harmonic technologies, all free. Well not yet anyway.
John Perkins, The ex-economic hitman as appeared in the Zeitgeist Movie, now an economically successful author of several books, exposing the corruption rifled from the monetary system and on down the line, appears in a film entitled, “Let’s Make Money” regarding the fallacies associated with the production of currency. I think. It’s Danish.
Now all moving at the speed of light toward you. POOF!!!
What do you do now?
Firstly, and above all, do not panic. The new world order is not gloom and doom after all. That is, if the treaty is signed and put into action and respected by all nations who will sign it. It may seem unpatriotic of me, but I have to tell you that this is the best possible change I’ve seen yet during President Obama’s administration and I don’t think he’s even a big fan, yet. The United States has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol (previous climate change treaty) and has not shown much enthusiasm for the Copenhagen Treaty, yet numerous cities were able to individually become signatories of the Kyoto Protocol.
Those three things, maybe not in that order, are all astounding new perspectives for Americans, although not that new, yet very powerful indeed to see somebody is actually taking on the challenge of changing the world and not just boasting about it. It’s almost as if, it couldn’t be real. It is.
I’m on board all the way fellas, just point me to wherever you want me to go.
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, corrupt monetary system, economy upheaval, free, international law, john perkins, mankind, money, new technologies, philosophy | Tagged COP15, The Copenhagen Treaty, The Venus Project, UNFCCC, Zeitgeist Movement | Comments (0)
This post is horribly past due. It’s also possibly premature, but it’s got to happen. I hope you like the music I added to enhance your reading experience.
HAPPY DAY of The DEAD! Welcome all of you vampire loving misfits of the night.
As I observe in the dark, that which is unjust comes to light.
It seems The Washington Post’s headlines are the ones that always grab me first.
So, I’m reading, reading, reading, and then, I stumble onto an interesting fact. What would Chevron want with 8 million pounds of Uranium (they dug out of a Nevada mine) between 1986 and 89? Oh yeah, the other energy crisis. But, well, what did Chevron do with that Uranium in all this time?
This is indignant, the way the governments treat people as herds to create waves with scare tactics just so they can run and change their bets on the securities spinning wheel.
To All the Great Companies that Killed Me,
You are ugly, what you make is ugly, you are nothing but worthless whores who grow glassy eyed over a flammable treasure. And so the wealth and the riches, let them be yours, I want them not. But, I’ll not have you poison everything around me that is free. Yes, you can have your polluted, pasturized, pathetic, plastic lives.
Try to remember that 1212 2012 is the end of a civilization, not the end of time or the world. It will be the time of magnificent transformation from slavery to freedom. Freedom from the chains of the beast. People will see and learn more of it’s non-importance. The beast that holds your house up, the beast that makes life go faster. The beast that can flutter your very heart. How it toys with you so. What is this beast you wonder?
I ask then, what is it that you won’t let go of?
Shed your riches!
Make it powerful!
Make it known!
Well of course, the little guys learn from the big guys what is acceptable treatment of detainees. If the US can do it, why not Honduras? Oh wait a minute, wait a minute, aren’t these coup guys the same guys from the US? No, that’s not exactly right. We’ll check in to the payroll of the coup and see if it’s a US funded torture sport.
Whoa, there little doggy! You seem to be letting the ride take hold of you there, now where are your facts to support this?
Right here, sir.
Okay, I take a look at this video and see the supporters are all wearing Fruit of the Loom clothing. They probably all work for an American or Multi-national company, and they are experiencing an economic boom. Is this staged to get the troops over there to back one of these parties? These are just questions I’m asking off the top of my head here, I need to find info on demographics, companies operating in that region and what is the peoples real hope? In this story the President was immediately ushered out seemingly for talking to President Hugo Chavez. What does that tell you? (I gotta take a breath.) More trouble for the American economy. It looks completely staged, if not, the people are seduced by the economic growth model but still feel a duty to hold on to their rights to democracy and the laws of their constitution. And it all started over some heat between a rich rancher and the military?
these picture show a more sincere crowd of protesters. I mean there’s a mob.
According to the US State Department website, there are 150 US companies operating in Honderas. The country receives 38 billion in aid packages from US organizations including USAID. There they are again and when the information comes out in John Perkins new book, Hoodwinked, this November 10, we will know more about the Wiki-pedia dispute. What’s important to note is the timing of this coup in June 2009 and the operations behind it. Basically I would think that with such strong ties with the US both economically and militarily, the country’s military operates sort of like a private security firm, which of course as we all know, usually defends businesses in general, not citizens, unless they are filthy rich.
In this article,, reporter Katherine at CAWN, ( a women’s organization states that several women from the export processing factories are being made to go on marches in support of the de facto government, which should indicate who is supporting the de facto regime but beware of the flipside. The export processing factories are wealthy businesses (whose owners don’t live there) in Honduras. As we have seen so clearly lately, corporations contribute to much, if not all to the current political strife in any country and whomever is running the business there is usually the one doing the pushing around of people.
Big business and multi nationals (the Corporatacracy) are working the current trade system to make a profit and if the rules look like they might change, it’s easy to see where certain measures might be taken to try and curtail the impact on their profits. But the people are getting wiser, certainly in Honduras and hopefully more so in America. American citizens need to realize that they lost jobs to the less expensive labor and regulations of Central America, while the US Government is heavy handed in also helping these Governments and businesses disregard human rights and look more toward the profit in other countries where US citizens would have far greater rights and demand higher wages. If America supports the corporations in Honduras and continue to allow an overthrow of their elected regimes anytime it disagrees with the motion of change, it will certainly give itself away as the psychopathic entity that it is.
from today’s AP (very different description of events leading to Zelaya’s arrest)
One thing I found odd was the variance in description of Honduras military forces, security forces, armed forces in all of these different articles regarding the same subject. In a telephone interview with Zelaya, he was asked directly, “Who is behind these forces?” trying to discover who is sending these troops to surround the Brazilian Embassy. Well, we should all know how interconnected the Honduras military is to the US and UK by now. Read up…
If Americans really believe that they will continue to have the same rights on down the road, or tomorrow if they continue to allow this to occur, they should rewind their reality watch, it seems to have stopped ticking. More and more jobs are being offered by multi-nationals in the US and for much less in wages than the older generation is use to and there is no local receptionist anymore at the front that you can try to charm your way into that ten dollar an hour position. You will have to pass a drug test and psychological and background checks. I also suspect if the medical reform is ever made into law, it would be idea to cross reference your medical records with background check records to see is you are a viable risk to hire. Watch the rise of security services every where.
And that’s why I support the UNFCCCUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, not because I’m worried about flooding and warmer temperatures, hell no, bring it on, I got my surfboard ready. I support climate change initiatives to lower projected GHG (Green House Gases) because it’s time that the people took back the right to their homelands, heritage, and sacred grounds and grow their own grass roots governments instead of handing it over to a controlling corporate community. They need to demand from these companies a more responsible and fairer representation for human and environmental life. Geez, these companies, that’s all they talk about in their ads, is peaceful, green living and helping others. But, these ads appear to be lies of all kinds. I personally do not allow them in my presence too often and certainly not regularly. I think billboard ads are ugly too, they ruin the skyline in every portrait of a sunset.
But could COP15 be just that, bigger Government? A much bigger government? A World Government? Well, we already have a world government body, it is the United Nations and it is taking the lead in America’s policy making back home, specifically in negotiating trade laws. In fact for the last several decades, since the League of Nations was formed, it has grown, become more empowered and with the help of internet media and user generated journals, vibrantly vocal.
Yes, COP15 will and has already shifted wealth, from that of oil based economies to the efforts to support sustainable ones. Globe International and TERI University, MIT and Google alumni and 192 nations are at the forefront and many wealthy of oil would like to destroy this effort. The Copenhagen Treaty is a whopper of a deal and will change the rules significantly on how humans relate to the world. Since the rise of the industrial age, oil has reigned the supreme leader in the world of profits and has done so in a very exploitative manner by incorporating over sized conglomerate corporations into small developing countries and creating severely biased governmental bodies. The President of Brazil made a statement in a video featured on’s website,
“in developing countries we wouldn’t want to oblige them to unduly exploit their natural resources. It is a balance between economy and social justice”
more on COP15 and UNFCCC in a later post. Back to Honduras…
The Miami Herald
has some good info on the coup in question and some hard legal facts. It is an issue for the law in Honduras to show it is a strong democracy. And although their military is trained by the US and supplied by the US, UK and India, the relationships between the working class civilians and rich ranchers are vastly separated. Sounds like similar times from Africa.
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, confessions of an economic hitman, corporatacracy, international law, total tirade episode | Tagged COP15, Copenhagen Treaty, day of the dead, Honduras coup, Movement, murder by numbers, the hell you will, UNFCCC, Zeitgeist | Comments (0)
Power Surges in The Middle East
September 13, 2009 – 12:08 am
I’m on a quest…to bring awareness to the world through, friends and family and facebookers, youtubers, ustreamers, bloggers and wordpressers and screamers all over, that September 21st is the International Day of Peace!!!
I wish it were everyday, but they had to work like crazy to get just one day instituted by the United Nations as a recognized day of legal cease-fire worldwide. Thanks to Jeremy Gillie, every UN government member swiftly and unanimously voted it in in 2002. This should be as significant to us as 9/11/2001. In remembrance of this day, September 11, 2001, I propose that all who see this message, deliver it to another and look to the future from such a sorrow filled memory and celebrate…
Peace One Day on September 21, 2009
****Editorial Note*********
Nah…It’ll never happen…
I know, too many psychotic manipulators out there with their ideas, money and control. How do we disband that? Through knowledge and utter defense. What Iran is doing is brilliant. The President of Iran is under constant threat by the tyranny of the US war machine and will not back down, yet he is opening his arms to President Obama and proposing a way for disarmament or dismantling of the worlds nuclear warheads. If we can remove the threat, we then lay way for freer negotiations. If everyone is offered equal parts, there should never need be any bi-partisan contentions. The reason for bi-partisan conditions lie in the making of profits and which company gets which bid for this contract or that. No matter how the media tries to spin it’s influence on me, it cannot. I know the truth now and cannot go back to what I had believed before being educated. I realize that I had no true beliefs about my country while growing up in America in the sixties and seventies. I was a child then and remained so until my mid 30’s I regret to say, when I began to ask the question, “Why is there so much unrest in the middle east?”
Well, the answer for me today is simple to reach because I’ve been able to observe more than what my government might have wanted me to see and my studies on the subject have not ceased since the war on Iraq began in 2003. My main motivator was to keep my son from ever being drafted for this or any war. The answer is clearly this, the United States, UK, Russia, and China have all coveted the natural gas resources discovered in Afghanistan in 1967 (reference reading listed below) and even after the long encroachment from the Russians in the seventies, the US have strategically positioned their military bases in those arenas to assist the oil and energy industries with the task of taking over governments if they have to, to yield the resources they seek for mass consumption in their markets and metropolises. When they say that the US has invested interest in Afghanistan they are entirely correct, if you are an American that uses oil and natural gas to maintain your living standard, you may need this resource on a daily basis and would probably fight for it if you and your family felt it was so necessary for your survival. However, if you oppose this war you need to find other alternatives to the current oil and gas infrastructures that have been built up in the past century. Not an easy thing to do, particularly if you are also against nuclear power resources, which the President of Iran seems almost too eager to help the US, literally, see the light about. He is actually coming to us with a five page plan, hoping to end the possibility all future nuclear threats.
Now if it were a free market system that generates globally this might be a great advantage to the United States. It might even be the most astounding moment for all of mankind if the blinders were all removed. Unfortunately, if President Obama were to actually step into the arena to discuss world dismantlement of nuclear weapons and actually accept some deal for nuclear energy technology to benefit the world, he would most likely be assassinated by some corporate power; energy commission envoy, posing as a deranged lunatic or by another rising energy company with billions in shareholder investments at stake, In fact, the world cannot expect to live in peace among one another, ever, with these parties dealing purely in monetary figures instead of human welfare and legally getting away with it. Yes, I believe now that the world used to be made up of two types of people, the blind and the blinder.
The blind are the ones that will never see my face or know me because I am just a number to them, a statistic on a spreadsheet. I am a perfectly expendable commodity, like anything else that assists in the manipulation of wealth to their benefit. They seek their benefit and only their benefit at all times. They are traders. Not to be confused with traitors. They would have you believe that is me. Because I am against them. You see, I don’t believe in money as something I need to collect like stamps or trinkets that I love just because I love them. I don’t love money and no matter how hard the media helps to promote the love of money, I will not buy into it, and yes, absolute pun intended, because, I know that the more money I make, the more money they make, and the more money they make the more power they have over me when they want it. Whomever has more money, has more power in this world currently, as it has been for centuries now, and incidentally, it is power that kills. Power is murderous to human life and subsequently, money is the vehicle that brings any unit to power. And if they are taking a portion of your money along with portions of your neighbors’ money as well, they certainly have more power than any one of us.
The blinder, are those like me, or like I was, that had no idea that people were killing other people for the resources and rights to resources in other countries that had little or no money to defend themselves. The blinder sometimes also want to remain blinder and do things to actually get blinder to the obvious facts. Probably, because they know what the odds are in going up against the kinds of power I’m talking about. Or, because they are about to strike it rich and they’d rather not share this information right now.
Remember, I said, used to be. Things are about to change now.
The trick is not getting more people to give me money to make this movement more powerful. The trick is getting people to open their eyes and see the bigger picture. That none of this life means anything if money is what motivates us, because money cannot replace our children. Money can never replace our species. Money can never do what you, as an individual can do. It can only assist you. They have tried to make it more personable by putting a face on every bill or coin among other commemorative symbols, but it is not human and when all of human life has been wiped off this planet and extraterrestrials finally arrive with their own exploration of space, and find this planet barren of us, they might wonder what it was that brought us to erect monument after monument. Was it our great appreciation for one another? Or was it greed and self idolization? It might be hard to believe that a race with the technology to discover other worlds would think it the later, unless they understood the process of decline inside an intellectual progression. When an entity becomes unwilling or unable to progress, then it will inevitably begin to self destruct.
I look for signs everyday of which direction we are going. I am becoming quite impressed today.
My Hypothesis Girl has put together some links to assist you in your homework. These are the links to reference materials. Do a background check on facts regarding the conflicts in Afghanistan over the last few decades. Discover for yourself, the facts behind U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.
This story published in 2001 in Asia Times on TAPI
Check out the actual landscape
Clues to Resources
Uncover expert data on input and output of energy structures around the world
Agriculture report that does not mention the poppy crop
And finally, Canada asks “Why is Afghanistan so important?” And thinks we should all know and I agree, you should know what you stand for… Read this report, published by a Canadian research group.
I want to ask all of you, why do you think the US is so occupied in Afghanistan? How do Americans directly benefit from a proposed natural gas pipeline that seems would only service that region of the world? Would Americans use this natural gas if we were actually able to work there and build such proposed pipelines? Or would Americans receive other financial benefits from the multi-billion dollar investments used for such contracts? And how will the new found wealth in Afghanistan be received by it’s people, if at all? Has anyone asked what the impact of such a venture would have on this culture before they began their invasion and or reconstructive aid? My experience reminds me that thieves don’t usually ask before they steal something.
Exactly how will America’s people today, whom are struggling, paying our hard earned taxes and giving of our own flesh and blood and that of our own children to the US military, see a benefit to upping our efforts in another poor country to work overseas and help the rich energy companies reap their rewards? I wonder. Because, since the US invasion in 2001, we have forgone trillions of dollars and lost thousands of lives, for what? To make the Afghanistan farmer look bad, and forcibly induct ourselves into their humble lives whether they like it or not, pit them against each other, imprison them and torture them and then lie to Americans back home to persuade them to keep supporting the work being done there, so we can reach this goal? What goal was that again? Criminalizing innocent people to make way for a multi-trillion dollar venture? I would love to ask the American people if that is what we want to continue to do? A support of a troop surge would be just that, an investment in the financial future of energy companies contracted to build a natural gas and oil pipeline that would service the Asian region and make trillions of dollars for some
sordidly and previously selected. I’m started to wonder who that might be.
Somehow, I think that if we were all being honest about it, we could all see to it, to help the Afghani people funnel natural gas towards infrastructures that would benefit those people, if they wanted us to, but I feel I’ve been deliberately excluded from this information and so have they, and somehow, I’ve managed to get the distinct impression that they would rather make their own decisions regarding their countries resources. Certainly, it would seem that the Afghans aren’t all that hip to the idea of foreign involvement. Maybe they were happy the way they were and wish to be left alone. Maybe how they run their lives and their country is none of our business since it is not our land and maybe, although the Afghani’s are sitting on a possible gold mine, I somehow still don’t see how allowing my government to continue it’s operations in that country, will inevitably benefit all but a few already wealthy people in the long run. Maybe the administration would like to respond to those questions?
Was all this hype about the heroin drug lords of Afghanistan yet another distraction away from the reality of our true financial interests in that country? I think it was, because back in 2000 I began to notice an increase in the classifieds recruiting all branches of military personnel. It would no longer behoove me to imagine that since the discovery of this natural gas abundance in 1967, appearing to measure out to 5 trillion in possible profits, dwarfing the profits from a good poppy crop year for Afghan drug lords, the US has been enthusiastically attempting to occupy this region through either one avenue or another, or for one reason or another. Senator Charlie Wilson, may not have been the incredible philanthropist he was made out to be in the film recently made about him, “Charlie Wilson’s War”, might he now? Charlie Wilson was a Texas politician…Need I say more? I probably should since the American people will probably look no further for information about his dealings back then, most will rely on what the film reports of him and ask no further questions. Then, in 1991, George Bush Sr. tried to start an offense in Iraq, but was short stopped. The involvement and invasions and extremism all comes from that area. Why?
All about Charlie Wilson
A Mucked up opinion from the Washington Post
But, the majority of Americans still believe that it is terrorism that we are fighting in Afghanistan. Are they terrorists or are they just a nation defending their own national security, culture and sovereignty on a shoe string budget? Why do Americans end up supporting both sides of a foreign country’s conflict, moving from one movement to another over a ten to twenty year period? Seems in that particular region, (and in Latin America) to be the case, if we include Iraq and Iran conflicts from the eighties where we supported Iraq against Iran, then later turned on Iraq in 2003. Charlie Wilson was the Texas congressman that won support for Afghanistan’s movement against the Red Army then. Now we are on the offensive against the Taliban, the “terrorist”. It doesn’t seem to matter whose side we are on, as long as we are there with our influential weaponry and development or reconstruction contracts, economic aid or, how do you say?… Humanitarian efforts? All of which are, incredibly, to build energy infrastructures and set up economic foundations… Now, who doesn’t get this?
In fact, this particular seems to make perfect sense now. In 2005 the Bush Administration passed
The Patriot Act and within it, The Bank Secrecy Act to thwart the use of illegal drug money laundering from having any influence in energy investments within the banking and trading systems throughout the world and some of those who had interest in TAPI were originally, the Taliban and N. Korea, whose investment money most likely came from poppy crop income. So the original Afghanistan parties that tried to invest in their own countries resources and build their own pipelines would therefore be blocked from being able to complete their pipeline projects, and, or maintain them, if they were ever able to begin. The US was quick to vilify N. Korea as well, over the past few years, notably when the Bush administration referred to them as being part of the Axis of Evil. “The terrorist”, as defined by the US government of the Bush administration really seems to be the Asian nationalists that are fighting for the rights to their own lands and resources. The US claims to be a legal authority, again, over another countries land and mineral rights and now banking regulations. How does this equate to anything of a humanitarian nature? I just don’t see it. It appears more and more to be the same strategy used against the originating North American Indians over two hundred years ago by the British and carried on by the new Americans. Do these people know of any other way to produce results other than through exploitation of indigenous tribes?
end session 4:30 am (snooze)
alarm 9:00 am (wake)
HELLO! What’s this?…. Special Delivery….
The US accepts Iran’s Invitation to discuss security concerns…
Hey! Say what?!!! HOLY HALIFUCKINGLUJAH!!! I haven’t even posted this yet.
Play Freedom by George Micheal —
Dance in the streets —
DOWN ON KNEES AND PRAY this isn’t a sneaky little trick!!!
Tears of joy…
Six years ago I might not have posted or published these kinds of statements, out of fear, but they were always questions going through my head. And even though today, we have elected a new President whom seemingly offered change, I believe he has made a burnt offering to the people of the United States by ending the occupation in Iraq while still servicing the energy contractors who are employed in the middle east by shifting the troops from Iraq to Afghanistan. And, it has been indicated in an interview on The Mike Mallory Show with 27 year ex-CIA analyst, Ray McGovern, that our own President may be afraid of certain elements of the CIA, and I believe he would have good reason to be, if he moves to approve nuclear energy or dismantle the military industrialists. If our own President of the United States of America has reason to fear for his life over such matters? What chance would anyone else have in speaking up for our own safety? We have to open our mouths widely and speak now.
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, confessions of an economic hitman, corporatacracy, corrupt monetary system, defense capital, dirty money, economy upheaval, financial crimes, free, future, international law, john perkins, market value, new technologies | Tagged Afghanistan, energy, Iran, natural gas, pipelines, power, q & a, surge, TAPI, the american way, troop, United Nations, United States | Comments (0)
FU on the Economic Meltdown of Iceland Bank
August 16, 2009 – 3:20 am
Remember, that bit I did, back in October 2008 about Iceland going bankrupt and The Paradoxical American? I called it “The Paradoxal American” because using paradoxical made it sound too much like American popsicle for some reason.
Holy Moly…guess what I just found. I did a three word search and found a full investigative report on the Case of the Economic Meltdown of Iceland’s Bank, Kaupthing Glitnir and Landsbanki and,
of course, excellent reporting by’s Finance Section
Make sure you read the entire article. Twice. Three times and then again. Go over it with a fine tooth comb. Make notes if you have to, because I don’t want to have to come back and explain anything to you about this again…Although I probably will anyway, when I have any further FU’s.
It just seems utterly remarkable how this news seems to fall into my lap and on the very day of its release, today August 15, 2009
Remember, FU means Follow-Up, and in this case the follow-up, however not absolutely complete yet, expresses in great detail, what went on with Iceland’s bank Kaupthing, Glitner & Landsbanki before their collapse and at the mouth of the entire worlds woes over the credit and housing crises befalling all of the worlds banks. Remember, I told you, that wasn’t the only reason.
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, credit, data collection, dirty money, economy upheaval, financial crimes, international law | Tagged bank, dirty money, economic meltdown, follow-up, iceland, investigative, report | Comments (0)
Biting The Hand that Feeds US
August 12, 2009 – 8:33 pm
This is fear in action, on the comment boards of Hulu after RiP! A Remix Manifesto broadcast, apparently exclusive U.S. broadcast of Canadian film…
Okay, this is where I have a problem. When you say …
“We could be culturally free yes, but when a new disease rears its ugly head you will be kicking yourself as you watch your culturally free family die before your eyes.”
Jeremy, does that mean that no one will be interested in saving lives unless he or she is monetarily motivated? I think that’s what you think it means. But don’t try to scare me with threats that money is the answer to all of our problems, and especially not with NEW diseases. Not NOW!
BS! You know anything about living in a culturally free anything? And, since when have any of us really had much of chance to ever do it realistically? Everyone wants credit for their own ideas, for goods and services (in return) that maintain lifestyles apart from everyone else. It’s cool, it works like the merit system, except when we are talking about rights of intellectual property, digital, organic and public vs private which in fact, if you had come up with a Nobel winning comment on Hulu’s website, who do you think would collect that award? Have you read Hulu’s policies regarding their use of your comments on their site?
Go on my Brazilian Brothers…
The points that this movie makes does outline in gritty detail the layout and the plan, and I think the matter appears open for negotiation if anyone knew how to really negotiate here. We’ve got the scared, reliant on money on one side, and the free, who know they can trust their society on the other. I think it’s important to note that what Brazil did to break through the barriers for their positive medical achievement by breaking away from U.S. copyright laws, should prove you dead wrong.
A Remix Manifesto
on Hulu…what is this movie really about?
Yeah, I went on a little bit of a TANGENT there, in the comments of Hulu. When I post on another site I might not have those same privileges and rights, unless I need to be held accountable for some sort of indecency or illegal activity there. Some sites may maintain the right to use the comments for anything they like and not give any credit to the original author, so I try to use my own domain for extended comments. How’s that for a double edge sword?
Now let’s talk about the Double Edged Sword, is this a cliche or a world renowned quote? Is it a tag line for a razor ad? Or is it a public domain metaphor? Because I’ve heard many people use this phrase and I’ve used it and we all know what it means, but did someone coin this phrase once? Will I receive a cease and desist order to deny me any right of any further utterance of this phrase due to copyright infringement? Don’t we all go around quoting books, authors that reflect our own feelings? We loan books to our friends? We loan movies to our neighbors. Let’s get real people. It’s not a problem until the volume reaches a significant point of loss in REVENUE.
Those who share ask, what is lost when you share? The original is still there, intact, and to share a sample might mean a gross of future sales that might not have come if not shared the sample. Does a baker not lay out samples of cookies on a tray for customers to try? One of the other comments mentioned that Radiohead’s share experiment actually turned them into a profitable money making, self distributing band who broke their own record in sales from all their previous albums. So the argument that sharing injures the industry is bunk. But sharing samples is not the same as pirating full length movies and redistributing them on another website or sharing full length songs from peer to peer. And I believe that as an artist who wants to maintain the original integrity of my work, I would prefer to be the deciding party as to who and how anyone mashes it up, whether they are making money off it or not.
Obviously, this film raises the awareness for smaller artists such as myself in what I am legally entitled to do in efforts to produce fully legitimate original content. It also displays the wave, or should I say RAVE, over the right to use another artists work to build upon and therefore make it their own by way of interpretation. It explains the current laws and introduces us to Lawrence Lessig, the attorney that declared the film illegal at the time he saw it. Of course, at the time, Lawrence assumed that the filmmaker would attempt to distribute it for profit. That, to any attorney would make the film a potential hotbed for lawsuits unless Girl Talk’s Greg Gillis, was willing to pay for the rights to publish all those samples. However, the film has been released as a share and share alike creative commons venture on and no one appears to be directly receiving compensation for the work on this film.
Screech to a halt…
Is the movie about our obedience to money?
Sure it’s easy for a fourteen year old to steal money out of his own Dad’s pocket and feel comfortable inside that crime because we know our Dad loves us, he would give it to us anyway, or maybe he’s an asshole and we feel justified to take his money because he never buys us anything. Maybe the internet makes stealing music and movies feel just as easy and comfortable. It certainly made us feel closer to the artists that we love. Maybe for a moment we thought, these artists would want us to have their music, until all of sudden the artist complains and the record company realizes it’s on shaky ground. It took the justice department to go after simple folk USA who were using these peer sharing networks to share songs, to retrain the American people that they rely on the industry to make money, as they rely on all their industries to make money to live among the richest country in the world. The American people almost forgot that they support the monetary system.
Why would we now have the urge to bite the hands that feeds us?
But that’s not where the argument ends. Because money is involved in everything we do. It’s often the reason why we do things. We’ve made ourselves dependent on the stuff, unable to grow or rear anything without some self help book or aid campaign to guide us through what used to be a man’s sudden need for survival. Everything is trivial in matters of survival as long as you have money.
Why can’t this change? Why can’t we rely on each other to perform what is needed for the whole and wealth of the rest of us? We might have been born selfish, but we can learn to help each other find food and shelter and, supposedly, we might be able to protect ourselves . Currency has taken the place of the human spirit IMO, in some cases as the above comment, I wonder. Advertisements try to appeal to our desire to help, looking for financial backing and not real communication and interaction, it’s easier to give money then to go and actually help. And, in today’s circumstances, is it safe to give money to any outfit that you are not directly involved in?
The RIAA and the MPAA are not working to protect the rights of the artist, they are working to protect the right to their money as was the Metallica musician on the Larry King show protesting to his fans, that stealing his songs hurts his career and record sales, and devalues his artistry. While the other side argues that sharing helps promote sales.
Hahahaha. I’ve got over 100 videos out there that I have shared on various blogs and I’ve barely made ten bucks from all those efforts. My good buddy over at is asking for donations to help pay for a new computer to keep his blog alive. When I took on the task of becoming a video blogger, I did so out of passion, and I can bet that’s what others did it for as well, some have become somewhat successful, but I doubt many of the creative commons crowd really gets much financial stimulation unless they are also web developers and domain name owners. In order to make real money on the internet, you must deal in volume, so we should all realize by now that only the Googles and Youtubes and Hulu’s are the sites that make money.
They are mega-sites and they know this very well, and are making fists full of dollars off of artists just like me and I checked the box that allowed them to do that. I chose to share and I don’t know why, I guess I felt it was an opportunity to share my vision since it would have never have been seen anyway. Artist don’t typically create volume, that is not their usual aspiration, but I think we’ve adapted to that and over time our work begins to develop, and over time we make the right connections. It really isn’t much different then if I moved to Hollywood and try to get a major motion picture made which would be riskier by far. It takes time and dedication and giving away some spec work to gain any recognition, all the while some digital engine is racking in the dough, eventually, maybe I’ll be compensated. But, no matter what, I’ve left my very permanent mark.
The film also touches on the period of time when the US changed the patent law to include options to register living organisms at the patent office, and I could see that being very dangerous, because when the military starts making soldiers that you can’t kill and patenting them as living organisms that they created and they own all the rights to, making it illegal to dismantle them or reprogramming them…Then we have a real problem on our hands people.
But the film is right, we are experiencing less freedoms and we are also experiencing less of whatever the world has to offer without getting it through a middleman somewhere. It didn’t mention Monsanto specifically, but through research, you may find, that is the corporation that made sure that patent law was revised. The GMO argument is also part of this. If Monsanto can be allowed to take a perfectly free and natural organism and genetically modify it to include it’s weed killing mechanism and then patent it so that someday we would no longer be allowed to grow our own food eventually without paying them for the right to do so, because GMO plant infestation seems to be on the rise, why then is it so difficult to indicate a remixer’s work as original?
Something is not right here. It seems pretty apparent to me as well as to millions of others who chose to be so enlightened, Girl Talk clearly does not have the financial resources behind it to assure that the law bends to it’s benefit.
This article from Reuter’s, just released today, August 12, 2009 indicates that a WTO panel has found China’s international trade rules need to be revised in the area of books, and other audiovisual and media works. Seems the country has countered U.S. efforts to compete within China since it has had to compete with black market pirated media prices and since the financial crisis, China owns a hefty portion of U.S. debt, it might need to reconsider it’s trade practices and internal laws governing piracy to see any benefit to owning such debt. How can American industries survive, even profit, if the trade policies have been thwarted by such infringements?
So there. I guess the argument is closed now. RiP! A Remix Manifesto, is not really about little guy Girl Talk, it’s about international trade laws and cultural disputes regarding who should be allowed to make money and who needs it?
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation | Tagged china, copyright, documentary, fair use, free, girl talk, hulu, infringement, international trade law, lawrence lessig, mash ups, movie, mpaa, music, remix manifesto, riaa, rip, sampled, what about it, wto | Comments (0)
July 24, 2009 – 6:06 pm
It’s Bitch Central
900 Photons, Lasers and Love
July 18, 2009 – 4:43 am
Share with Someone You Love, Be the Force, Show them The Light,
I was just talking about photons on my TwigSnapButtCrack’s TICKTALKLIVE at the same time this google video was being uploaded. What are the odds?
I’m a subscriber of Goggletechtalks channel and unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be a very popular channel. Too Bad. There is so much more going on to be positive about. Quantum Computing…nano-photonics, metamaterials, plasmonics, and thermal and energy transport in nano-structures, now why aren’t our teenagers more interested in all this stuff? They are always screaming that they are bored and have nothing to do. What are they talking about? Look at this stuff and if you don’t want to, sit down and learn it anyway.
So what’s This new LIVE show about?
Anything I want apparently.
Barnabus and Skiddaddle’s Escape
July 11, 2009 – 8:14 pm
Direct from ThePond’s
It was clearly a day for adventure, although one could not see that at mere daybreak. They opened their eyes in a hurry and scrambled wherever large shadows wafted and voices chirped. Where ever their toothpick sized legs would take them, they would go.Their travels resembled flying, but at ground level. They had to remain in their flock. Unsure of any danger, they still feared, as it was instinctual. They ate what they were led to and drank where there was water. Like a string of bubbly little pearls against the desert dust, they trickled over the terrain. Back and forth from east to west, a short quarter of a mile route, from sun up to sun down, they searched for food and took cover under trees, burrowing dugouts near the base of rocks to huddle a squat and cool off. They were a fuzzy family, dirt bound and determined.
Mom and Dad would always be on the lookout for any dangers near or far, yet they had to challenge the chicks to steer left and steer right and hop over this twig and duck under that branch. They led them up a strong incline and made them fly off the edge. They noticed that Barnabus and Skiddaddle would often fall behind and they were tired of running back to get them all the time. They decided it was time to dump them off, sort of speak. So they led them to the pond over near that Lady’s house. They hopped up and perched themselves on the adobe wall that framed the pond, over the little patch of shrubs where bushes and flowers grew. Calling with that demanding cackle, the parents called the chicks to the top of the wall with them. They stood proudly, but quickly fell over with the slightest breeze, down into the garden patch, surrounded by the adobe wall. As soon as all their chicks were inside the patch, Mom and Dad both jumped out again and called on their way over the wall, outside. All their chicks, except Barnabus and Skiddaddle cleared out of the patch.
Barnabus and Skiddaddle jumped and jumped, but could not get to the top of the wall. They chirped and chirped, calling for help continuously as their pin-sized hearts began to pound with that built -in adrenalin. The two little baby quail were trapped behind the wall of the garden. Skiddaddle scurried around the wall of the garden, jumping up at a shorter wall but still not reaching the top. Barnabus could not see too well and searched for Skiddaddle by following the sound of his chirps. Both resembled dry, dirty cotton balls fluttering around under the thick bush. One could barely see them, they camouflage so well. Barnabus chirped, but did so because Skiddaddle seemed to be in a panic, chirping his head off. “HELP! HELP! WE’RE TRAPPED!”
Barnabus was just asking, “Hey, what’s the matter Skid? Where are we? What happened to Mom and Dad? Who is that Lady talking to us? What is she saying?”
Skiddaddle replies quickly running in circles until he stops, “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I think we’re in big trouble.”
Barnabus and Skiddaddle ran quickly to the other end of the garden. They could hear their parents just a few yards away, demanding they come over the wall. So, they continued to try, jumping as high as they could, but they could not reach the top. Barnabus was getting tired and wondered away from the wall. Skiddaddle ran to all the other sides , jumping and chirping, hoping his parents would suddenly appear. He heard a strange voice calling him, talking to him calmly. When he looked up with his tiny pinhole of an eye, he saw the face of the Lady staring back at him and smiling.
“Don’t worry.” She said. “I’ll get you out of there.”
But when she got closer and her arm swooped down toward him, the breeze blew him in the other direction and he ran chirping as far away as he could get, taking cover under the bush. He chirped to alarm Barnabus who seemed to be taking a nap in the shade.
“Barnabus! Wake up! I think we are being hunted.” Skiddaddle chirped, running in circles around the branches. “We’ve got to stay alert.”
Barnabus shook his head. “I’m tired. Please let me sleep for a little while.”
Skiddaddle wabled around on his stiff legs, “Barnabus, this is no time to sleep. Look, I’m going to try to get out over there as soon as that Lady goes away. You better be right behind me or you might be eaten.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, go on then, Skiddaddle.”
“I’m going.” Skiddaddle threatened, but he was very afraid. “I’m going to leave you here if you don’t get up.”
“Go on then.” Barnabus chirped back. “I can find my own way.”
Skiddaddle turned his tail on his brother and scurried over to the opposite end and to his surprise found a magical bright blue, soft trodden pathway that he could climb over. As he moved swiftly across the pass, he thought, “That’s funny. I don’t remember that being here before.” But he moved on, forgetting his brother. He ran out, away from the pond to find his parents, chirping all the way.
The lady stood in her doorway happily muttering, “Yeah! He found the towel-way.”
Barnabus woke up from his nap. Skiddaddle was gone and it was very quiet. As he looked up towards the wall, a branch or stick like object rather floated in above his head and landed on the ground nearby. It rested there and he watched it, but didn’t feel like doing anything. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Lady standing on the other side of the wall. He slipped quietly under the branches to hide. He could hear her speaking and his parents calling, but he stayed very still, wondering what he should do. “If I get eaten, my parents will kill me.” He thought.
He was so frightened he didn’t want to go very far away from the protection of the bush branches. He tried to creep away from the wondering stick. He climbed up over a few small rocks that lined the pond and suddenly there came a drift and he wafted up and over, landing on a lily pad in the middle of the pond. He gasped with fear as he made a small splash, head first into a puddle on the lily pad. It was more water than he could swallow, so he spit it back out. In a daze he wabbled forward on the lily pad. The lady was guiding the pad over to the side of the pond with the stick and then quickly cupped her hand around his tiny puff of a body and cast him away from the pond.
Barnabus was safe and alive and out of the pond. He didn’t think the lady wanted to eat him. She would have done so by now, but his parents taught him to run away, take cover under a branch. He was still a little woozy while he listened for his parents whom were waiting for him across the way. He rested in the shade until his breath came back and then he chirped on out, back into the world.
The Lady waved good-bye. “See you tomorrow!”
Barnabus lives!
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, books, cartoons | Tagged barnabus and skiddaddle escape, book, children's show, jungleboogie, live broadcast, nature, short story, thepond | Comments (0)
June 23, 2009 – 4:57 pm
R U sure U want 2 do that?
To All My New Subscribers…
TwigSnap ButtCrack and The Terrible TwigSnapButtCrack blog is a very unconventional blog. It’s a lot of ranting and raving about a wide variety of topics. If you’re not careful, you could get tagged as CONFUSED!!!
Well, all right, if that’s what you want. Come on in, but I warn you, China has blocked me from their country as possibly harmful material. I trust you know what you are doing and are of a spiritually well-adjusted age. It doesn’t matter because I have yet to discriminate, although I should let you know that I have no privacy policies as of yet. Not that I would know what to do with your e-mail address anyway, for cryn’ out loud I don’t even want to put ads on my site. At least for now, you know that you are getting the purest OP ED type content (and possibly the funniest yet honest commentary) on the internet today, aside from the strings of comments on every other site. Plus some funny cartoons and video shorts. Hey, what do you want for free? Oh, yeah, everything.
Remember that this is also a interactive platform site and you can leave TASTEFUL video responses as well as irrational or PROFOUND comments through numerous means. Twigsnap has signed up for various video accounts with Revver, Youtube, Ustream and Seesmic. You can chat with her on AIM and Yahoo Messenger, Google and yes, Facebook, Buzznet and MySpace. If you can get her online and you know what her screenname is…
Do you know who Twigsnap Buttcrack really is?
Well, do you?
I’ve posted this on the blog, just in case you didn’t get the private e-mail I sent you. I am very aware that some of you don’t use real e-mail addresses for security reasons yourself. I mean, who wants TwigSnap spam? I can assure you that no one else or so-called third party will every receive your e-mail address from me. If you signed up to post video responses, WOW! I’m impressed.
Upcoming Articles to look forward to…
Summary of The Opium Brides
Trust No More (the ethics of spying and ld)
R U the type that Fucks and Runs?
Short Story with Pictures
Barnabus and Skiddaddle’s Escape
The ISOlated E-COMedianne
The Official Copyright on TwigSnapButtCrack
The REV busters
American Law and the International Courts
The Right to Live, The Right to Die and The Right to Kill
All soon to be posted. I hope you’ll have an opinion. Please feel free to unsubscribe to The Terrible TwigSnapButtCrack Blog if you feel you’ve made a mistake.
(Don’t ask me, I’ve no idea where the link is.)
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, free | Tagged blog, Buttcrack, china, comedy, commentary, privacy policy, spam, Twigsnap, twigsnapbuttcrack | Comments (0)
« Older posts
Make Good Use of Transnational Legal Process
October 19, 2008 – 9:59 pm
You can subscibe to UCTV’s videos on YT or choose course videos from their official home site.
Calling on all human rights activists and lawyers to look to international laws as a way of dealing with the axis of disobedience.
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in people, video | Also tagged Harold Hongju Koh, human rights, intelligence, international law, law enforcement, peace | Comments (0)
Secular Humanism Explained…?
October 16, 2008 – 3:29 pm
Why do we have to define it, name it, categorize it, gather unto it, praise it, preach it, practice it, devout to it? Is it because we don’t know how to do it otherwise?
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in Bitch Nation, Population Bitch, free, video | Also tagged peace, secular humanism | Comments (0)
Check out National Archives Video!
August 10, 2008 – 10:16 pm
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in video | Also tagged democracy, human rights, intelligence, law enforcement, National Security abuses, national security letter video, privacy | Comments (0)
One Twisted Summer
October 4, 2006 – 3:13 pm
We didn’t learn to do The Twist like we did last summer. No, this summer we learned a new TWIST and no one thought to invite Chubby. We didn’t need him anymore.
No Video Responses have been posted yet.Click here to post a video response.
By Twigsnap Buttcrack | Posted in free, people, video | Also tagged dance, dipsetmuthafucka, music, the twist, time out | Comments (0)
R U sure U want 2 do that?
To All My New Subscribers…
TwigSnap ButtCrack and The Terrible TwigSnapButtCrack blog is a very unconventional blog. It’s a lot of ranting and raving about a wide variety of topics. If you’re not careful, you could get tagged as CONFUSED!!!