Thursday, June 27, 2024

Letter to A Friend

tO BE TOTALLY HONEST...this inFURIATes me...they hVE NO PROOF that you hVE ny cancers, theyyu arwe just btryiung to keep you in as a patient willing to be tested....I do n't like it I don't like it at all how theyu are obviously trying to terrorize you back into their revenue needs... Now I know you are probably not a fan of prayer, but have you ever tried it? AND i'M NOT SAYIUNG ASK FOR MIRACLES, CURRENTLY WE DON';T EVEN KNOIW IF THATS NECCESSARY... TALK TO THE INNER YOU, THE SUPER BEING INSIDE YOU THAT SPEAKS TO YOU WHEN YOU ARE WALKING AND LISTENING... BE PATIENT LISTEN TO YOUR BODY GIVE IT WHAT IT CRAVES, SMELL, TASTE, TOUCH, HEAR AND SEE...ANSWERS ARE EVERYWHERE WHEN YOU LOOK WITH A SUPER INTENT HEART sorry ...I just had to say that that is what I know can be done don't doubt yourself your are a beautiful child of God...