Saturday, June 1, 2024

Pin Dodging

I do want to make it perfectly clear. Is there such a thing as medical harrassment or coersive behavior going on inside your clinic? Could be. With hours of repeated prompts from airwaves and radio waves and now even echo waves, they tell you to see your doctor for everything. Get the most up to date drugs and treatment plans, vaCCINES....gO TO YOUR DOCTOR... GET A SHOT UP YOUR TWAT to prevent a cancer you might never get anyway. They really don't do enough researCH ON YOUR BODY before deducing whether or not you can tolerate it. iT'S only after you've signed a release and allowed them to use your body as a test ground. If a side effect flares up a few weeks later and you happen to gloss over it without knowing, thAT effect doesn't get noted in the data and the drug goes on disturbing OTHER prospective pATIENTS. Not to worry, I won't be taking any new fangled drugs now anyway, and luckily, I've managed without the only prescribed drug I had started nearly five years ago, by indirectly haulting it with my refusal to go to the clinic every 6 months and give blood. Now thAT MEDICAID has managed to pull my order for electronic scooter for added mobility assistance I can honestly say that is the last blood they will ever get from me. Gerard, from Nortel, woke me up from a dead sleep to deliver the bad news. He made it very clear that I would not be issued a scooter without my agreeing to physical therapy sessions for four the six months. How ridiculous. This is not a recent work injury, nor is there any chance of activating atrophied muscle tissue. It really sounds like they are the ones trying to scam Medicaid or medicare out of funds for their own revenue purposes and not my immediate mobility issues. And, they seem to have made it easier to do since clovis. I may definently have dodged a bullet here. The first thing they demaND THAT you do is be ready by the phone, for whomever and whenever they call. They demand this. I had someone named Victoria from VNA call me with strict instructions that i SHOULD be READY AND ABLE TO ANSWER THE PHONE at any time. This is surely an unusual request of an elderly, disabled woman. And while they claim to be diligently respectcful, I did not feel that from them. As a matter of fact, a few times I was in contact with DCFS about SNAP benefits, they were in fact quite rude with their demands, threatening to pull these benefits if certain actions were not performed abrubtly and efficiently. Now expecting that of humans is harsh, to say the least. And to shout out orders over the phone seems unpleasant and alarming. So they have got me pinned to a phone...I remember my narcissist husband used to try and do the same thing to me, untill I realized he was just constantly trying to keep tabs on me because he was the insecure one. They want me to download their app, which is even more annoying, because it's sucking up power off my phone. So I refused that too, which I'm sure has to do with their declining me the chair. Almost every business wants you to download their app these days, no wonder there is never enough power, or charging up. This should alarm people too, they are the ones payin the higher electronic usage.